Saturday, February 20, 2010

Shop Update - Spring is Around the Corner!

I am so excited about my new Spring and Summer items for the shop! Of course, I can't just slam them in all at once, so I am letting things expire and adding the new things little by little. I recently added a bunch of sweet items for table and home, which I hadn't offered a lot of until now. I had to decide to let go....

Now as the seasons are about to change, I am trying to get new warm weather clothing, accessories, and hats photographed and listed as old listings expire. The new things are going to be a lot of fun. I am excited!

Here are a few new ones I did today:

Black polka dot blouse.

It's a size 10-12; too big for me, but see how cool it looks when belted with a wide belt!


"The Toothpaste Dress"

I considered not buying this when I found it in a packed rack in a dusty thrift store, because the color is..... yeah. Not the greatest. I thought I would give it a swirl in some dye; and never got around to it.

The dress is quite comfy, and a flattering style.

I took these at my friend's antique shop. Upstairs is a huge loft. I had to move a bunch of stuff out of the way, but it was worth it.

Stay tuned for more!
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