Monday, March 15, 2010


While Spring should be a celebration of new life, etc.; instead I find myself extremely somber these days.
Yesterday I spent a while in deep thought, as I harvested antique bricks from an old chimney on our property that I am re-purposing into a patio.

A few weeks ago, my sister-in-law's brother was in a terrible car accident; and in the hospital for a few weeks. He is out now, and doing fine; it's a miracle he is still alive.

Two weeks ago, our friend and neighbor's father in law choked while eating, and died.

Our elderly neighbor, whom Kevin lived with for a while after moving here, passed away a little over a week ago. He was quite old, and it was expected.

Then we lost our horses, Cavort and Major. Cavort suddenly; Major in an agonizing bout of colic.

Saturday morning we got the news that another neighbor and friend was driving to dinner with three family members, including his wife, when a metal object flew up from the road (or off another vehicle), crashed through his windshield, and struck him in the head; killing him. He was 59 years old. The newspaper called it a "Freak Accident." I thought to myself: Why did it have to strike him in the head? Why didn't it go in between the two passengers and land on the back seat? Of all the places in that SUV for that thing to strike - it hits Alex in the head?

Recently my Grandmother has been hospitalised and is now in a rehabilitation facility. I saw her a couple of times this past week; but when I saw her this past Saturday, she looked awful. It is so terrible to see her so sick and confused, lying in a hospital bed, approaching the end of her life.

As I was sorting through the rubble of the old chimney and piling my bricks in the truck last evening, I pondered these things.

And I marveled at how fragile, and how precious life is. It sounds so cliche; until a wave of death and tragedy touch your life directly - or even indirectly, and then it is no longer so cliche.

You don't know when your life is going to end. It could be suddenly.

You don't know when your loved one's lives may end.

I think sometimes God uses circumstances like these to remind us, when we need reminding, of how precious life is. Maybe we don't treasure it enough. I know I take it for granted.

And I think he uses circumstances like these to keep us aware of His sovereignty. He is the giver of life; and sometimes, the taker of it, also. And what are we going to do about it? We can't stop it.

The only thing for us to do is out our trust in the fact that He is sovereign and say "Thy will be done."
That, and be certain about where you will spend eternity.

Even if you do not profess Christ, you have to admit it: life is a precious gift; not to be taken lightly. And you have to admit, it's a good idea to spend time with family and friends while you can, because you never know when it will all come to a sudden, tragic end.

I don't mean to be morbid; but think about it.

I promise I will post photos of my daffodil fields, and my new patio, and cute vintage things I found, and other cheerfulness this week some time.

Oh cool. I just clicked on the spell check and it said "no misspellings found".


lislynn said...

Good post. Isn't it sobering to grow older? I know that sounds cliche, but I was just talking to my friend who's baby (due to be born literally any day now) was diagnosed with a severe heart defect, about thinking back on my early-twenties self and how different my outlook on life was then. My priorities and the things I considered to be "hard" or "tragic" were so... trivial, really, in retrospect. And now here we are with no job and a baby on the way, you guys with all your troubles, my friend with a child who may or may not live to meet her parents, Susi with her husband far away and in harm's way, and so many more examples. It's just a whole new perspective on life. One I never expected-- or at least never realized the full extent of before.

My friend and I were saying, though, that it is an awesome place to be (in the literal sense of the word) to realize that the only solid ground under your feet-- the only thing you can really count on for sure-- is Christ. It's where we were meant to stand always.

Hosanna said...

Yes. Somehow, in a way, I find myself rejoicing that these things happen - it draws me closer, and causes me to rely wholly on Christ alone.
And it's like in Ecclesiastes: There is a time to weep, and a time to rejoice; and a time to live, and a time to die. (I'm obviously paraphrasing, here.) This is a time of somber reflection in my life. I'm not depressed - sad, yes. Depressed, no. I am humbled, convicted, and silently listening for that still, small voice...........

Edith said...

Hi there. Hope you don't mind me saying hello. Great blog; great post too.
My husband & I have been really blessed recently in helping lead a course at church for unbelievers who are searching. We have an amzaing couple we have befriended who have just come through a year of the most unbelievable heartache and pain. I was so dreading the week we talked about why God allows auffering as I was sure this was the week we'd lose them. Oh what little faith I have! Their response was why, when everything in the world is going wrong and out of control, would they NOT trust in God who appears to be the onlything that is certain and secure. I think they hit the nail on the head! I look fwd to reading more from you.