Wednesday, July 8, 2009

"Phil Vassar" Date Night

Kevin and I went to see musician Phil Vassar on July 3 at the Martinsville Speedway for their July 4 Celebration. They have rides for kids, food, music, and fireworks. I'd only ever been to the Danville celebration with the Orchestra (I sang with the Orchestra one year for the July 4th concert, too). It was really fun, even though we sat on uncomfortable bleachers for several hours.
Kev and I

I feel really weird taking photos of myself (ourselves) like this, but I did. Thus the strange look on my face. I mean, how vain, to take your own photo. But I was not about to go up to a stranger and ask them to take a photo.

even more feet

Yes, Kevin goes out in his dusty messed up boots; and yes, I go out in my frumpy Old Navy flip flops. I didn't care; most of the evening it was dark and nobody could see me anyway.

Martinsville Speedway Stage

I got a huge kick out of this guy, who was working on the lights for the stage and showing the whole crowd his rear end. Am I sick for taking a photo of it, or what?

Phil Vassar

I had no idea Phil Vassar could play the piano, let alone do it so well!! He totally rocked.
(When you watch the video below, pause my blog player in the sidebar......)

Phil Vassar

Phil Vassar

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